Tag Archive: running while vegan

Race Recap: San Francisco Marathon 2018!

I had no plans to run San Francisco Marathon this year, or really, any time in the near future. SF Marathon was a bucket list race that I was intimidated by, with it’s hills, oh those steep, steep hills. I’m from the Bay Area, and lived in SF for about four years — I love […]

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Jenny’s the Name, (Easy) Vegan Glamour is the Game!

I love vegan beauty products almost as much as I love food products and running! Sometimes I’m that runner with make-up on, because hey! My photo is being captured! Now,  I’m no Miss Miriam or Vegan Beauty Addict, but I can manage winged eyeliner, just don’t ask me about much else — contouring, what? There […]

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It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the YEAR! (Candy Cane Joe-Joe’s time!)

Candy Cane Joe-Joe’s are back on the shelves, and they are vegan! One year (2016), I stockpiled boxes, and found out the cookies have the ability to stay fresh until July. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! (My bday is actually in July and I opened them for it.) How long can they stay perfect? I don’t […]

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Recipe Review: Logical Harmony’s Buffalo Cauliflower!

I love, love, love buffalo cauliflower! I mean, most people do, right? WHAT IS NOT TO LIKE? (Spicy ingredients, if you are half the members of my immediate family.) I remember when Logical Harmony’s Tashina Combs posted this recipe a few years back, but I never got around to making it. She and Justin used […]

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From Street Athlete to Gym Rat: Learning Confidence and How to Cross Train like a Pro!

I have had gym memberships on and off for my entire adult life. I played on sports teams growing up and was on the swim team in high school – I thought PE was fun, except volleyball, I hated volleyball. I actually worked at the local gym in high school, starting with the Kid’s Club […]

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Rock’N Roll San Diego Race Weekend Recap!

It’s been about four days since Mike and I ran Rock’n Roll San Diego and I’m still sore from that hilly course! This year I ran it almost exactly ten minutes slower than last year, which was a little bit of a bummer for me. Last year, I did a lot of speed training to […]

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Race Weekend Recap: Valley Crest Half Marathon!

I just ran Valley Crest Half Marathon, which is kind of a big deal because it was my very first trail race! I found the race one evening while looking up races in SoCal, checked out their website, and slept on the idea for a few days. I signed up about three weeks ago, the same […]

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Restaurant Review! Donna Jean in San Diego!

Mike and I got back from San Diego a couple hours ago from Rock’n Roll SD, and I’m still feeling the glow and excitement of our visit. We got on the road to SD yesterday afternoon for a whirlwind 18 hours of eating, sleeping and running a half marathon! While there are so many delicious […]

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Workout of the Day!

I haven’t been running very much lately, which is pretty odd for me! This month, May, I will probably log in around 40 miles total, running-wise. Cycling however, is much different! I’ve logged in 160.4 miles already this month! I cycle to and from work, and the commute to work is uphill. I can already […]

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Rock’n Roll San Francisco: Race Weekend Recap

Gearing up for Rock’n Roll San Diego next week has me reminiscing about our last RnR half marathon a month and a half ago, in San Francisco! I’m definitely adding this to my list of “Races I Would Like to Do More Than Once”. RnR San Francisco was on my must-do list, as I’m originally […]

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Back on Track: Yoga Revolution, Running and Cycling!

It’s a been an emotional couple of weeks since Mike and I decided to defer the Zion Half Marathon! Personally, I’ve been feeling a little bit lost, trying to figure out what’s next, both training and life-wise. We got jobs, in opposite directions from each other (mine 4 miles from from where we are currently […]

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Cycling Through

The end of April has not gone as expected. I was proud of all the workouts, the running, the yoga streak, and then not going to Zion at the last minute took the wind out of my sails. I know I’m going to get up and dust myself off, but I’ve taken some time off […]

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Yoga, Bikes, Runs and Earth Day! Viva la Yoga Revolution and Ciclavia!

It’s been a very busy few days, and I realize as life takes over, with my new job, travel races and keeping up with my workout regime, blogging may fall to the wayside again. I’m choosing not to beat myself up over it; the regular blog posts were a way to keep myself occupied and […]

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Stretching and Streaking My Way Through April!

The last two days I have been on a really successful workout streak! I’ve started my shifts at 3pm, which allows me to wake up on my own time and then hit the mat. Well, make coffee and then hit the mat. I’ve also had the time to squeeze some short runs in, and it’s […]

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Yoga Revolution Day Five: Practice Rhythm

Today was day number six at my new job, and my first day back after one day off. I needed that day off to relax and decompress after getting so much new information thrown my way! Today I felt much calmer and well-informed, and it made the job so much easier. I made flash cards […]

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